Salsa Cutthroat – First Look
Revelate Designs Bike Bags – Sweetroll – Viscacha – Gas Tank Reviewed
I spent time over the early part of winter looking at equipment for bikepacking and touring in 2015. I bought pretty much everything I need and was able to snag some items at off-season discounted pricing. The Revelate Designs gear however, largely due to its limited...
Salsa Warbird Review – Part II
Salsa Warbird Review Part 1 – Background Information
Review of Salsa Warbird 2016 – initial buying decisions…
Salsa Beargrease Carbon Review
Salsa Beargrease Carbon review – first snow ride on icy trails
On-One Floater Fat Bike Tire Review
Since I bought my bike a couple months back I’ve been using the stock Vee Rubber tires, which have acquitted themselves pretty well in a fairly broad range of conditions. That ‘broad range’ however, does not include snow and ice. Here’s a review of the On-One Floater tire which hauls ass through snow and mud…
Charge Cooker Maxi Review
Reviewed – Charge Cooker Maxi 2 Fat Bike – how does this fat tire bike from Charge Bikes stack up in the world of fatties?…..
Mid Level Cross Bikes
Best nag-for-your-buck cyclocross bikes. Not really a review, more of a survey…
Trek Domane 4.3
The first thing that stood out as being considerably different to what I’m used to with my mountain bike is this thing’s ability to climb….